Quick 6 Tournament: IMLAX, Senior All-Star Photos, Super Sevens, Denmark National Team and Club Information
Quick 6: Boys & Girls, Senior All-Star Photos: Boys & Girls, Super Sevens: Girls, Denmark National Team: Men and Women and Club Information: Women & Girls
Utah Lacrosse, we want to bring your attention to the upcoming events and opportunities for all of Utah lacrosse athletes! As we steam forward into the Fall season we want to make sure your up to date with Utah Lacrosse. This article contains a lot of great flyers and information, build the lacrosse community and share out these flyers for our fellow laxers.
Thank you as always for subscribing and reading the Utah Lacrosse Report newsletter, we are brought to you by our sponsors Tribal West Lacrosse (website) & MinersTown Strength and Conditioning (website), who make the great coverage here at ULR possible!
Intermountain Lacrosse Presents Quick 6
Lacrosse is already considered the fastest game on two feet, but Sixes takes it to a whole new speed. World Lacrosse Sixes (familiarly Sixes) was created in pursuit of lacrosse Olympic inclusion. World Lacrosse formally introduced the new game format in the spring of 2021, and it quickly gained popularity.
Inclusion and Growth
The new discipline is aimed to continue the growth of lacrosse worldwide. Sixes appeals to the next generation with the tempo, speed, and scoring. Requiring smaller fields and fewer players, the format removes barriers to access. Additionally, more gender-neutral rules decrease the confusion surrounding the traditional field games and in turn, bolster interest on both sides fostering growth.
Sixes Format
Sixes has been likened to basketball with sticks. It’s virtually non-stop play. Instead of a draw or faceoff after goals, goalies restart play. Draws are only taken at the start of each quarter. Quarters are 8 minutes with very few stoppages of play. As the name indicates it’s 6 v 6 (5 field players, 1 goalie) and everyone plays both offense and defense, eliminating the boys’ long poles. The size of the cage remains the same but count on considerably more scoring. However, shoot wide and most likely players will be running to the other side of the field, there’s no shot backup in this game. Whichever team touches it last loses possession for all boundary balls. World Lacrosse continues to refine the rules, but most consider the format far less complicated than the traditional field styles. To take a comprehensive look at the rules check out the World Lacrosse Resources.
Quick 6 by Intermountain Lacrosse
Excited for the strides made to reestablish lacrosse as an Olympic sport, Intermountain Lacrosse will host its first Sixes-style tournament. Dubbed Quick 6, the tournament will be played over Labor Day Weekend featuring a wide range of age groups from 12 years old to adult. So, mark your calendars, round up your friends, and register your team now to join us!
For more information click here or contact the IMLAX office – 801-590-9950 info@imlaxutah.org
Senior All-Star Games (Photos)
All-Star game photos are available for purchase at Ellie Lauren Photo

Tribe Lacrosse: Super Sevens Girls Lacrosse League
2023 SUPER SEVENS LEAGUE INFO: Get your teams put together NOW because the FUN is about to start!! SUPER SEVENS is back for another fall of fast-paced action! Last year we had FORTY EIGHT, yes, you heard me - 48 teams participate and crowned 6 bracket champions with the ultimate champions in the Diamond Bracket!! We play OUTDOORS on a condensed field - often under the lights!!!!!! It is always ROWDY, FUN and SUPER AWESOME! Each team plays once a week on either TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY night and has 6 games starting Sept. 5th or 6th. Games are played at Alta Canyon Sports Center in Sandy (9565 South Highland Drive, Sandy 84092). Teams will play 7v7 with a goalie, so start putting your team of at least 12 players together OR register as an individual "free agent" player online! YIPEE!!!
Don't wait to sign up your team as there are limited spots and it will fill up! Plus once your team is registered you have to invite your teammates to join the team so they can register which can take a little time - SO GET YOUR TEAMS ORGANIZED AND SIGN UP NOW!
Denmark National Lacrosse Teams
Denmark National Lacrosse is seeking to fill their roster with Danish-Americans. Danish-Americans is someone with either Danish heritage or holders of a Denmark passport to join them in their National League. (Yes, this is the league that just played in California)
Denmark National Lacrosse teams plays at the highest level of lacrosse. Denmark faces off with the best athletes in the world.
The teams are gearing up to play in Eurolax Sixes Cup amongst other tournaments.
Location: Vila Real de Santo António City in Portugal
Date: February 23-25 2024
League: Men and Women
If you have what it takes to play at the national level, APPLY to be considered to play us in Portugal!
Utah Olympians Women’s Lacrosse Club
Utah Olympians is a Women's Elite Post-Collegiate Lacrosse Club. We're based out of Salt Lake City, but members are from across Utah (few out of staters). If you're a fan of tricking yourself into exercise and making adult friends, then UO is the club for you.
UO is a club that competes in 3 out of state tournaments and in the workings for a Women's playday with the Utah colleges!! Players must be 18 years or older.
For more information click HERE or contact the Utah Olympians – IG: utaholympians_lax or Email utaholympianslacrosse@gmail.com
Utah Valley University: Girls Summer Camp
Ages 12-18 years old. For more information click HERE
Warhawks Lacrosse: Girls Tryouts
Tryout requestion: HERE
Warhawks LC was founded in 2022. The Warhawks Lacrosse Club is committed to the development of young women (grades 9-12) in the sport of lacrosse and help develop young women of high character as we instill in our athletes the core WARHAWKS values: Wisdom - Accountability - Respect - Honor - Awareness - Work - Kindness - Servant Leadership. There is much more to life than just lacrosse and in the Warhawks Nest, we will strive to instill, teach, and reinforce these core values at every turn in the teaching and mentoring of all the young women that join our club.
If you or any of your athletes are looking for an opportunity to compete with another one of the great Utah Lacrosse Clubs, give the Warhawks Lacrosse Club a serious look. You can email them at warhawkslc@gmail.com, follow them on Instagram @warhwkslacrosse or go to their website at www.warhawkslc.com.
Tenacity Project
National Team Tryouts - UTAH
Who: Grad Years: 2030-2027
Where: Sunnyside Field 6-8PM
When: Friday August 18th, 2023
National Team Tryouts - UTAH
Who: Grad Years: 2030-2027
Where: Sunnyside Field 6-8PM
When: Friday August 18th, 2023
Super Sixes Playday
Where: Brighton High School
When: Saturday August 19
AU Pro Clinic Series - $150 each or $200 for both!
Dodging & Shooting w/ Ally Mastroianni & Sam Geiersbach
Where: Matt Knoop (Middle School 4:30-6, High School 6-7:30pm)
When: Thursday Aug 24
Shooting & Draws w/ Lauren Gilbert & Sammy Jo Tracy
Where: Sunnyside (Middle School 12-1:30, High School 2-3:30pm)
When: Saturday Aug 26
Utah Elevate Lacrosse: TOPGUN Tryouts
For more information click HERE or contact Utah Elevate utathelevate@gmail.com.
Date & Time: Session II: August 1st // Tryout Times Depend on Age: 5-7PM (2024-2028 Grad Years) & 5-6:30 (2029-2032 Grad Years)
Location: The Waterford School (Sandy, UT)
Teams: Tryouts will be hosted for players in graduation years 2024-2032.
Details: Players will be evaluated for selection to our elite teams for the 2023 Fall Lacrosse Season.
For more information click HERE